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Article Processing Charges (APC)

JMSSE is an open access journal. There is a nominal article processing charges (APC) as INR 5000/- for Indian authors and USD$215.00 for authors from abroad. The APC includes the cost of open access, editorial, review process, proof reading and English editing, online processing, online publishing, Indexing in repute science database etc. Only After article acceptance Journal will ask corresponding author to pay APC.

APC for corrections (after article acceptance):

As per strong journal authorship policy, if corresponding author requests for any text corrections including correction to author names after the article acceptance, it comes under Article Authorship Policy (AAP) and authors (from India as well as rest of the world) have to pay as ​USD $ 22.00 for the necessary corrections​. 

Authors Outside from INDIA, can pay APC using below link:

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INSCIENCEIN Article Processing Charges (APC)